Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tired of starting over? STOP GIVING UP!

Great Wednesday great folk!! Here are some useful words for the day:

This can be applied to everything in life but of course you know right now I'm speaking FITNESS, your health and wellness!!! You don't have to live in a gym every day or pull 2 hour WORKOUT routines just be consistent! If you consistently do 30-40 minute of exercise 4-5 times weekly you will see results. You can even break those down to twice daily, 2 15-20 minutes per session until you, your mind and body realizes that THIS IS WHAT WE WANT TO DO ALL THE TIME! The frustration of starting over will end when you reach that point!! It will become as routine as getting up, eating and brushing your teeth!

That's my tip for this Work It Out Wednesday! Start small, be consistent and watch big changes happen!

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