Tuesday, July 2, 2013


June 20th, the day my mother was blessed to bring her 1st born daughter into the world ... Chanel Velnette Vann is what she would be named and she is me! I remember when I was younger thinking anything above 20 was old THEN I turned 25 and age no longer mattered because I was being blessed to see another year with each birthday. Every year I take vacation and go home to Virginia for my birthday and this year was no different. I truly love going home and seeing all my family and friends especially my daughter Deondrea.

There is nothing better than being greeted by THIS face when I am in VA!

I started out my 43rd birthday as I would any other day ... A 30 MINUTE BRISK WALK!! There is nothing like starting your day, especially your birthday, with TEMPLE CARE under a relentless sun in a cloudless sky!

IMMEDIATELY followed by lunch and shopping with my beautiful daughter!

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